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4 clear signs that your pool water needs testing

4 clear signs that your pool water needs testing

With frequent swimming and numerous pollutants that can make their way into the swimming pool, testing your water to find the correct balance of chemicals should be a regular activity.

The art of balancing your pool is an intricate one, luckily it can be learned over time and for those persistent issues that you just can’t fix, there are professionals at The Pool Team who are eager to help you.

Testing your pool can determine if you have the correct mix of chemicals, which makes for a pleasant swimming experience rather than one that results in burning eyes or dry skin.

Substances that can be tested for in your pool water include calcium hardness, pH levels, total alkalinity, metals, chlorine and salt levels, among others. Here are some signs which indicate that your pool water needs to be tested:

  1. A build-up of algae is always a clear indicator that your pool should be tested. It can appear on the walls of the pool, giving the water a green tinge. It can also grow in the pumps and filters.

The appearance of this organism suggests that the pool needs to be tested to balance the chlorine levels. In addition, algaecide can be used to prevent the growth of algae.

  1. The strong smell of chlorine means there may be an issue with chlorine and pH levels, which can be confirmed by burning eyes and asthma-like symptoms when swimming.

The pool should be tested in this instance because it may indicae that there is too much chlorine.

  1. Murky water needs to be tested as there could be a number of chemical imbalances taking place in the water simultaneously.

Cloudy water is an indicator that the calcium level in the water is too high or that the total alkalinity is imbalanced.

  1. Stains in various colours on the bottom or sides of the pool can indicate one of two issues: either organic matter, such as fruit or leaves, have fallen into the pool and reacted with the chemicals or incorrect alkaline levels have caused corrosion of the metal hardware.

It would be appropriate to test for metals in this case as they could be corroding into the pool. This may also come as a result of incorrect alkaline and pH levels.

You could solve these problems by using the Aqua Care Kit as prescribed by The Pool Team. Alternatively, you could take your pool water into any of their stores for free pool testing and diagnosis from the experts.

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