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How to combat evaporation this summer

How to combat evaporation this summer

Are you noticing the water level of your pool steadily decrease? Could it be a leak? Before you grab your wallet to fork out thousands of rands, remember that 70% of water loss in pools is through evaporation. And now that we’re heading into the peak of summer – and our summers are getting hotter – your pool might be losing even more water.

However, it’s not always easy to tell the difference between water loss through a leak and water loss through evaporation, but there is a simple test that you can do without having to call in the experts just yet.

The bucket test:

  1. Fill a 20-litre bucket with water up to two-thirds and place it on the first step of your pool to about 12cm deep. It’s necessary to keep the bucket inside the pool so that it remains at the same temperature.
  2. It may be necessary to put a rock or two in the bucket to prevent it from floating away (don’t use bricks though as these are porous).
  3. Mark the water level inside the bucket with a permanent pen or waterproof eyeliner, as well as on the outside of the bucket where the water level sits.
  4. Re-visit your swimming pool in 24 hours to see if the water level is lower in the pool. If so, this means there is a leak in the pool and this would be the right time to call an expert.
  5. If it rains overnight, you’ll need to re-do the test.

If it’s just a case of evaporation and not a leak, the best way to combat this is to purchase a pool cover. Studies have shown that the use of a pool cover can reduce evaporation by 95% – saving you a lot on your water bill. If you’re still on the fence about getting a pool cover, there are a few additional benefits such as:

  1. It keeps debris out of your pool
  2. It reduces the number of chemicals needed

Other things to consider:

  • Lower your water temperature – warmer water evaporates faster because the molecules have more energy to convert to gas.
  • Turn off your pool features – as beautiful as they are, they increase the amount of water that’s exposed to the sun. Consider turning these off until you entertain again and can brag about your gorgeous pool.

To find out more about what you can do to save your pool from losing water contact an expert at The Pool Team.

3 years ago
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