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Total Chlorine vs Free Chlorine

Total Chlorine vs Free Chlorine

Chlorine is a sanitiser used to kill bacteria and algae.

There are two types of chlorine: Free Chlorine and Total Chlorine. Free Chlorine is the amount of chlorine that has not yet combined with contaminants which means that it is still available to sanitise the pool water.  The ideal range of Free Chlorine is 2-3 parts per million (ppm). Total Chlorine is a combination of Free Chlorine and Chlorine that has already combined with contaminants.

For the best results, you should use an Aqua Pro Floater or Aqua Pro Stabilised Chlorine Pills, both of which are kept in the pool to maintain the chlorine level. Granular chlorine can be used in addition to the floaters to maintain the Free Chlorine level within the ideal range.

To get the most out of the chlorine, the pH and Total Alkalinity levels need to be in balance. Learn more about pH and Total Alkalinity.

Chat to a professional at The Pool Team for your personalised chlorine solution.

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