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Understanding Total Alkalinity

Understanding Total Alkalinity

Contrary to the common misconception, alkalinity and pH are not the same thing. The pH level is measured on a scale from 1 to 14, where 1 is very acidic and 14 is very alkaline. Learn more about pH. However, Total Alkalinity is measured in ppm (parts per million). To keep the Total Alkalinity within the optimal range, it may be necessary to add an Alkalinity Booster to the swimming pool water. The amount of Alkalinity Booster to add differs based on the size of the pool as well as if the pool is marbelite or fibreglass. If the pool is marbelite, the recommended Total Alkalinity range is between 80 – 120 ppm. If the pool is fibreglass, the recommended range is from 120 – 150 ppm.

Confused about where to go from here? Well, here is a step-by-step guide on how to increase Total Alkalinity:

  1. Always remember to get the basics right first: Test the water; clean out the weir and pump baskets; backwash and rinse. This is to ensure that you obtain the best results from the products added. Learn more here.
  2. Make sure the pump is off and disconnect the pool cleaner.
  3. Turn the lever on the filter to bypass/circulate and turn the pump back on.
  4. Add the Aqua Pro Alkalinity Booster into the weir, 1kg at a time, waiting at least one hour in between each dose. The total amount of Alkalinity Booster to add will be determined in store when the water is tested. The rule of thumb is 1kg increases the Total Alkalinity level by 10 ppm.
  5. 1 hour after adding the last dose, turn the pump off, turn the lever back to filter, connect the pool cleaner and then turn the pump back on.
  6. Return to the store for another test after two days to determine the next steps.

To decrease the Total Alkalinity, add Aqua Pro acid to the pool. Learn here how to add Aqua Pro Acid to your pool.

Chat to one of the professionals at The Pool Team for more advice on your personalised Total Alkalinity solution.

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