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Eartheco Pressure Guage

Availability: In stock
An Eartheco Pressure Gauge is a measuring device used to monitor the pressure of water in a pool filter. It is typically mounted on the side of the pool filter and is designed to measure the water pressure in pounds per square inch (PSI). The gauge is usually made of durable materials such as brass or stainless steel and is protected by a clear plastic lens. The gauge usually has a dial with a pointer that indicates the current pressure, and it can also have a scale that shows the normal range of pressure. The Eartheco brand is known for making high-quality pool and spa equipment, and the pressure gauge is no exception. It is an important tool for maintaining the proper operation of the pool or spa system and ensuring the longevity of the equipment. It can help to identify issues such as clogged filters or leaks and help to prevent damage to the equipment.
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Dimension Height cm3.100
Dimension Length cm7.800
Dimension Width cm5.600
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